Class OdfElement

    • Method Detail

      • getOdfName

        public abstract OdfName getOdfName()
      • getParentAs

        protected <T extends OdfElement> T getParentAs​(Class<T> clazz)
      • getAncestorAs

        protected <T extends OdfElement> T getAncestorAs​(Class<T> clazz)
      • hasAncestor

        public boolean hasAncestor​(Node potentialParent)
      • toString

        public String toString()
        toString in class org.apache.xerces.dom.NodeImpl
      • setOdfAttributeValue

        public void setOdfAttributeValue​(OdfName name,
                                         String value)
        Set the value of an ODF attribute by OdfName.
        name - The qualified name of the ODF attribute.
        value - The value to be set in String form
      • setOdfAttribute

        public void setOdfAttribute​(OdfAttribute attribute)
        Set an ODF attribute to this element
        attribute - the attribute to be set
      • getOdfAttributeValue

        public String getOdfAttributeValue​(OdfName name)
        Retrieves a value of an ODF attribute by OdfName.
        name - The qualified name of the ODF attribute.
        The value of the attribute as String or null if the attribute does not exist.
      • getOdfAttribute

        public OdfAttribute getOdfAttribute​(OdfName name)
        Retrieves an ODF attribute by OdfName.
        name - The qualified name of the ODF attribute.
        The OdfAttribute or null if the attribute does not exist.
      • getOdfAttribute

        public OdfAttribute getOdfAttribute​(NamespaceName namespace,
                                            String localname)
        Retrieves an ODF attribute by NamespaceName, and local name.
        namespace - The namespace of the ODF attribute.
        localname - The local name of the ODF attribute.
        The OdfAttribute or null if the attribute does not exist.
      • hasOdfAttribute

        public boolean hasOdfAttribute​(OdfName name)
        Determines if an ODF attribute exists.
        name - The qualified name of the ODF attribute.
        True if the attribute exists.
      • findFirstChildNode

        public static <T extends OdfElement> T findFirstChildNode​(Class<T> clazz,
                                                                  Node parentNode)
        returns the first child node that implements the given class.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the ODF element to be found.
        clazz - is a class that extends OdfElement.
        parentNode - is the parent O of the children to be found.
        the first child node of the given parentNode that is a clazz or null if none is found.
      • findNextChildNode

        public static <T extends OdfElement> T findNextChildNode​(Class<T> clazz,
                                                                 Node refNode)
        returns the first sibling after the given reference node that implements the given class.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the ODF element to be found.
        clazz - is a class that extends OdfElement.
        refNode - the reference node of the siblings to be found.
        the first sibling of the given reference node that is a class or null if none is found.
      • findPreviousChildNode

        public static <T extends OdfElement> T findPreviousChildNode​(Class<T> clazz,
                                                                     Node refNode)
        returns the first previous sibling before the given reference node that implements the given class.
        clazz - is a class that extends OdfElement.
        refNode - the reference node which siblings are to be searched.
        the first previous sibling of the given reference node that is a class or null if none is found.
      • cloneElement

        public OdfElement cloneElement()
        Clones this complete element with all descendants.
        the cloned element
      • cloneOdfElement

        protected OdfElement cloneOdfElement()
        Overwritten by AlienElement class, which represents XML elements of various names
      • cloneNode

        public Node cloneNode​(boolean deep)
        Specified by:
        cloneNode in interface Node
        cloneNode in class org.apache.xerces.dom.ElementImpl
      • cloneNode

        public Node cloneNode​(int depth)
        depth - how many levels of children should be considered
        the cloned node (element)
      • cloneNode

        public static OdfElement cloneNode​(OdfElement source,
                                           OdfElement target,
                                           boolean deep)
        Clones the content of the source element including attributes even xml:id to the target element. Helpful when changing a to a and vice versa, when outline attribute changes.
        source - the element to copy the content & attributes from.
        target - the element to copy the content & attributes into.
        deep - if a deep copy should happen. If false only the source element attributes will be copied, otherwise all descendants.
        the target element with all new nodes
      • appendChild

        public Node appendChild​(Node node)
        Specified by:
        appendChild in interface Node
        appendChild in class org.apache.xerces.dom.NodeImpl
      • componentSize

        public int componentSize()
        Recursive traverse the text container and count the size of the content
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object obj)
        indicates if some other object is equal to this one.
        equals in class Object
        obj - - the reference object with which to compare.
        true if this object is the same as the obj argument; false otherwise.
      • onRemoveNode

        protected void onRemoveNode​(Node node)
      • onInsertNode

        protected void onInsertNode​(Node node)
      • onRemoveNode

        protected void onRemoveNode()
      • onInsertNode

        protected void onInsertNode()
      • isRepeatable

        public boolean isRepeatable()
        true if the element does represent multiple instances. (only applicable for some elements as cell or row).
      • getRepetition

        public int getRepetition()
        the repetition the element represents, by default it is 1
      • removeContent

        public void removeContent()
        Removes all the content from the element
      • accept

        public void accept​(ElementVisitor visitor)
        Accept an visitor instance to allow the visitor to do some operations. Refer to visitor design pattern to get a better understanding.
        visitor - an instance of DefaultElementVisitor
      • getComponentRoot

        public OdfElement getComponentRoot()
        Returns the component reference
      • markAsComponentRoot

        public void markAsComponentRoot​(boolean isRoot)
      • getComponent

        public Component getComponent()
      • setComponent

        public void setComponent​(Component component)
      • isComponentRoot

        public boolean isComponentRoot()
      • selfAndDescendantTextIgnoredAsComponent

        public boolean selfAndDescendantTextIgnoredAsComponent()
        true if the text should not count as for component path nor the element root itself. This might occur for nested paragraphs or ignored text element (e.g. text:note-citation).
      • ignoredComponent

        public void ignoredComponent​(boolean isIngoredComponent)
        true - if the text should not count as for component path nor the element root itself. This might occur for nested paragraphs or ignored text element (e.g. text:note-citation). For instance called by a SAX Component parser, * * * * * * * see org.odftoolkit.odfdom.component.OdfFileSaxHandler
      • appendUsingWhitespaceHandling

        protected static void appendUsingWhitespaceHandling​(Node precedingNode,
                                                            OdfElement parent,
                                                            Node followingNode,
                                                            String newString)
        If the string is inserted into a text:p/text:h element and it will be inserted in the start/end all spaces are replaced by element(s). tabulator and linefeeds are being removed.

        If both the previous text node ends with a space and newString starts with a space, we would need to encode the single leading space as an element, otherwise it would be stripped. Same occurs for the next text node and an ending space. For Example: text text2 <== SAVE when starting ending a span as well with space element independent of preceding

      • split

        public OdfElement split​(int posStart)
        Splitting the element at the given position into two halves
        posStart - The logical position of the first character (or other paragraph child component) that will be moved to the beginning of the new paragraph. Counting starts with 0.
        the new created second text container
      • receiveNode

        public Node receiveNode​(int textPosStart)
        Receives node from this text container element.
        textPosStart - The start delimiter for the child
        the child node might be text or element
      • markText

        public void markText​(int textPosStart,
                             int textPosEnd,
                             org.json.JSONObject formatChanges)
        textPosStart - the first text level component to be marked, start counting with 0
        textPosEnd - the last text level component to be marked, start counting with 0
        newSelection - the element that should embrace the text defined by the positions provided
      • countDescendantComponents

        public int countDescendantComponents()
        Counts the number of descendant components
      • countChildComponents

        public int countChildComponents​(Boolean hasTextComponents)
        Counts the number of child components
      • moveChildrenTo

        public void moveChildrenTo​(Element newParent)
      • insert

        public void insert​(String newString,
                           int textPosStart)
        Insert text to a certain position. The text will be appended to the previous position text, so the span of the previous character will be expanded
        newString - string to be inserted
        position - text index of the new string
      • insert

        public void insert​(Node newNode,
                           int textPosStart)
      • delete

        public void delete​(int textPosStart,
                           int textPosEnd)
        Deletes text from this paragraph element.
        textPosStart - Counting starts with 0, which is the first character of the paragraph.
        textPosEnd - The end delimiter for the deletion. To delete text to the end of the paragraph, as represent for the end of the paragraph Integer.MAX_VALUE can be used.
      • copyAttributes

        public static void copyAttributes​(OdfElement from,
                                          OdfElement to)
        Copy attributes from one element to another, existing attributes will be overwritten
      • getChildElement

        public Element getChildElement​(String uri,
                                       String localName)
        the first child element of a given parent
      • getChildElement

        public Element getChildElement​(String uri,
                                       String localName,
                                       int position)
        the child element of a given parent from a given position (starting with 0)
      • isIgnoredElement

        public static boolean isIgnoredElement​(Element element)
      • isIgnoredElement

        public static boolean isIgnoredElement​(String uri,
                                               String localName)
        ToDo: Move away to parser, as it is application logic not ODF relevant! Elements that blocks the creation of operations due to implementation issues
      • getNextSiblingElement

        public static OdfElement getNextSiblingElement​(Node node)
      • getPreviousSiblingElement

        public static OdfElement getPreviousSiblingElement​(Node node)
      • getFirstChildElement

        public OdfElement getFirstChildElement()
      • getLastChildElement

        public OdfElement getLastChildElement()
      • countPrecedingSiblingElements

        public int countPrecedingSiblingElements()
      • setRepetition

        public void setRepetition​(int repetition)
      • getTextContent

        public String getTextContent()
        Specified by:
        getTextContent in interface Node
        getTextContent in class org.apache.xerces.dom.ParentNode
        the concatenated text contained by itself and all descendants (subtree). Does not take into account indented XML, as ODF whitespace handling require to neglect preceeding text content