Class OdfFileDom

    • Field Detail

      • mPackagePath

        protected String mPackagePath
      • mXPath

        protected XPath mXPath
      • mDuplicatePrefixesByUri

        protected Map<String,​Set<String>> mDuplicatePrefixesByUri
        Contains only the duplicate prefix. The primary hold by mPrefixByUri still have to be added
      • inCententMetadataCache

        protected Map<Node,​org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Model> inCententMetadataCache
        The cache of in content metadata: key: a Node in the dom ; value: the Jena RDF model of triples of the Node
    • Constructor Detail

      • OdfFileDom

        protected OdfFileDom​(OdfPackageDocument packageDocument,
                             String packagePath)
        Creates the DOM representation of an XML file of an ODF document.
        packageDocument - the document the XML files belongs to
        packagePath - the internal package path to the XML file
      • OdfFileDom

        protected OdfFileDom​(OdfPackage pkg,
                             String packagePath)
        Creates the DOM representation of an XML file of an Odf document.
        pkg - the package the XML files belongs to
        packagePath - the internal package path to the XML file
    • Method Detail

      • getDocument

        public OdfPackageDocument getDocument()
        Retrieves the OdfPackageDocument of the XML file. A package document is usually represented as a directory with a media type.
        The document holding the XML file.
      • getPackagePath

        public String getPackagePath()
        Retrieves the String of Package Path
        The path of the XML file relative to the package root
      • getRootElement

        public OdfElement getRootElement()
        Retrieves the ODF root element.
        The OdfElement being the root of the document.
      • createElement

        public OdfElement createElement​(String name)
                                 throws DOMException
        Create ODF element with namespace uri and qname
        Specified by:
        createElement in interface Document
        createElement in class org.apache.xerces.dom.CoreDocumentImpl
        name - The element name
      • createElementNS

        public OdfElement createElementNS​(String nsuri,
                                          String qname)
                                   throws DOMException
        Create ODF element with namespace uri and qname
        Specified by:
        createElementNS in interface Document
        createElementNS in class org.apache.xerces.dom.CoreDocumentImpl
        nsuri - The namespace uri
        qname - The element qname
      • createAttribute

        public OdfAttribute createAttribute​(String name)
                                     throws DOMException
        Create the ODF attribute with its name
        Specified by:
        createAttribute in interface Document
        createAttribute in class org.apache.xerces.dom.CoreDocumentImpl
        name - the attribute qname
        The OdfAttribute
      • createAttributeNS

        public OdfAttribute createAttributeNS​(String nsuri,
                                              String qname)
                                       throws DOMException
        Create the ODF attribute with namespace uri and qname
        Specified by:
        createAttributeNS in interface Document
        createAttributeNS in class org.apache.xerces.dom.CoreDocumentImpl
        nsuri - The namespace uri
        qname - the attribute qname
        The OdfAttribute
      • newOdfElement

        public <T extends OdfElement> T newOdfElement​(Class<T> clazz)
      • toString

        public String toString()
        toString in class org.apache.xerces.dom.NodeImpl
      • getXPath

        public XPath getXPath()
        Create an XPath instance to select one or more nodes from an ODF document. Therefore the namespace context is set to the OdfNamespace
        an XPath instance with namespace context set to include the standard ODFDOM prefixes.
      • getNamespaceURI

        public String getNamespaceURI​(String prefix)
        Get Namespace URI bound to a prefix in the current scope (the XML file).

        When requesting a Namespace URI by prefix, the following table describes the returned Namespace URI value for all possible prefix values:

        getNamespaceURI(prefix) return value for specified prefixes
        prefix parameter Namespace URI return value
        DEFAULT_NS_PREFIX ("") default Namespace URI in the current scope or XMLConstants.NULL_NS_URI("") when there is no default Namespace URI in the current scope
        bound prefix Namespace URI bound to prefix in current scope
        unbound prefix XMLConstants.NULL_NS_URI("")
        XMLConstants.XML_NS_PREFIX ("xml") XMLConstants.XML_NS_URI ("")
        XMLConstants.XMLNS_ATTRIBUTE ("xmlns") XMLConstants.XMLNS_ATTRIBUTE_NS_URI ("")
        null IllegalArgumentException is thrown
        Specified by:
        getNamespaceURI in interface NamespaceContext
        prefix - prefix to look up
        Namespace URI bound to prefix in the current scope
        IllegalArgumentException - When prefix is null
      • getPrefix

        public String getPrefix​(String namespaceURI)
        Get prefix bound to Namespace URI in the current scope (the XML file).

        Multiple prefixes bound to Namespace URI will be normalized to the first prefix defined.

        When requesting a prefix by Namespace URI, the following table describes the returned prefix value for all Namespace URI values:

        getPrefix(namespaceURI) return value for specified Namespace URIs
        Namespace URI parameter prefix value returned
        <default Namespace URI> XMLConstants.DEFAULT_NS_PREFIX ("")
        bound Namespace URI prefix bound to Namespace URI in the current scope, if multiple prefixes are bound to the Namespace URI in the current scope, a single arbitrary prefix, whose choice is implementation dependent, is returned
        unbound Namespace URI null
        XMLConstants.XML_NS_URI ("") XMLConstants.XML_NS_PREFIX ("xml")
        XMLConstants.XMLNS_ATTRIBUTE_NS_URI ("") XMLConstants.XMLNS_ATTRIBUTE ("xmlns")
        null IllegalArgumentException is thrown
        Specified by:
        getPrefix in interface NamespaceContext
        namespaceURI - URI of Namespace to lookup
        prefix bound to Namespace URI in current context
        IllegalArgumentException - When namespaceURI is null
      • getPrefixes

        public Iterator<String> getPrefixes​(String namespaceURI)
        Get all prefixes bound to a Namespace URI in the current scope. (the XML file)

        NOTE: Multiple prefixes bound to a similar Namespace URI will be normalized to the first prefix defined. Still the namespace attributes exist in the XML as inner value prefixes might be used.

        The Iterator is not modifiable. e.g. the remove() method will throw UnsupportedOperationException.

        When requesting prefixes by Namespace URI, the following table describes the returned prefixes value for all Namespace URI values:

        getPrefixes(namespaceURI) return value for specified Namespace URIs
        Namespace URI parameter prefixes value returned
        bound Namespace URI, including the <default Namespace URI> Iterator over prefixes bound to Namespace URI in the current scope in an arbitrary, implementation dependent, order
        unbound Namespace URI empty Iterator
        XMLConstants.XML_NS_URI ("") Iterator with one element set to XMLConstants.XML_NS_PREFIX ("xml")
        XMLConstants.XMLNS_ATTRIBUTE_NS_URI ("") Iterator with one element set to XMLConstants.XMLNS_ATTRIBUTE ("xmlns")
        null IllegalArgumentException is thrown
        Specified by:
        getPrefixes in interface NamespaceContext
        namespaceURI - URI of Namespace to lookup
        Iterator for all prefixes bound to the Namespace URI in the current scope
        IllegalArgumentException - When namespaceURI is null
      • setNamespace

        public OdfNamespace setNamespace​(String prefix,
                                         String uri)
        Adds a new Namespace to the DOM. Making the prefix usable with JDK XPath. All namespace attributes will be written to the root element during later serialization of the DOM by the OdfPackage.
        prefix - of the namespace to be set to this DOM
        uri - of the namespace to be set to this DOM
        the namespace that was set. If an URI was registered before to the DOM, the previous prefix will be taken. In case of a given prefix that was already registered, but related to a new URI, the prefix will be adapted. The new prefix receives the suffix '__' plus integer, e.g. "__1" for the first duplicate and "__2" for the second.
      • setNamespace

        public OdfNamespace setNamespace​(NamespaceName name)
        Adds a new Namespace to the DOM. Making the prefix usable with JDK XPath. All namespace attributes will be written to the root element during later serialization of the DOM by the OdfPackage.
        name - the namespace to be set
        the namespace that was set. If an URI was registered before to the DOM, the previous prefix will be taken. In case of a given prefix that was already registered, but related to a new URI, the prefix will be adapted. The new prefix receives the suffix '__' plus integer, e.g. "__1" for the first duplicate and "__2" for the second.
      • getInContentMetadataCache

        public Map<Node,​org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Model> getInContentMetadataCache()
        Get in-content metadata cache model
        in-content metadata cache model
      • updateInContentMetadataCache

        public void updateInContentMetadataCache​(Node node)
        Update the in content metadata of the node. It should be called whenever the xhtml:xxx attributes values of the node are changed.
        the - node, whose in content metadata will be updated
      • getBookmarkRDFMetadata

        public org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Model getBookmarkRDFMetadata()
        the RDF metadata of all the bookmarks within the dom
      • getSink

        public JenaSink getSink()
        The end users needn't to care of this method, which is used by BookmarkRDFMetadataExtractor
        the JenaSink
      • getNextMarkupId

        public String getNextMarkupId()
        counter for ids that are not allowed to be saved (otherwise it is not guaranteed that this id is unique)