Class OdfDrawImage

    • Constructor Detail

      • OdfDrawImage

        public OdfDrawImage​(OdfFileDom ownerDoc)
        Creates a new instance of this class
        ownerDoc - The XML DOM containing the draw:image element
    • Method Detail

      • getImageUri

        public URI getImageUri()
        Return the URI for this image
        the URI of image
      • setImagePath

        public void setImagePath​(String packagePath)
        The image path will be stored as URI of the href attribute
        packagePath - The relative path from the package root to the image
      • newImage

        public String newImage​(URI imageUri)
                        throws Exception
        Inserts the image file from the URI to the ODF package named similar as in the URI. The manifest is adapted using the media type according to the suffix. Existing images are replaced. Note: Default image seize will only be set, if the draw:image had been added to its draw:frame prior.
        imageUri - The URI of the image that will be added as stream to the package in the 'Pictures/' graphic directory with the same image file name as in the URI. If the imageURI is relative first the user.dir is taken to make it absolute.
        Returns the package path of the image, which was created based on the given URI.
        Exception - If the image provided by the URI, could not be added as stream to the ODF package.
      • newImage

        public void newImage​(InputStream is,
                             String packagePath,
                             String mediaType)
                      throws Exception
        Inserts the image file from the stream to the ODF package named similar as in the provided path.. The manifest is adapted using given media type. Existing images are replaced.
        is - InputStream to be added to the ODF package
        packagePath - Internal path of the image in the package
        mediaType - The mediaType of the image. Can be obtained by the OdfFileEntry class findMediaType(String fileRef).
        Exception - If the given stream could not be added to the ODF package at the packagePatch
      • newImage

        public void newImage​(byte[] fileBytes,
                             String packagePath,
                             String mediaType)
                      throws Exception
        Inserts the image file from the stream to the ODF package named similar as in the provided path.. The manifest is adapted using given media type. Existing images are replaced.
        fileBytes - - data of the file stream to be stored in package. If NULL a directory with the given media type will be created.
        packagePath - Internal path of the image in the package
        mediaType - The mediaType of the image. Can be obtained by the OdfFileEntry class findMediaType(String fileRef).
        Exception - If the given stream could not be added to the ODF package at the packagePatch
      • getImageByPath

        public static List<OdfDrawImage> getImageByPath​(OdfSchemaDocument doc,
                                                        String imagePath)
        The method returns the specific one or more images by image path since the image may be inserted to the document several times.
        doc - the document the image belongs to
        imagePath - the internal package path of the image.
        an Image list that match the given image path if no images is found under the given path, return an empty list.
      • deleteImageByPath

        public static void deleteImageByPath​(OdfSchemaDocument doc,
                                             String imagePath)
        The method deletes one or more images from image container by image path.
        doc - the document the image should be deleted from
        imagePath - the internal package path of the image.
      • deleteImage

        public static void deleteImage​(OdfSchemaDocument doc,
                                       OdfDrawImage image)
        The method deletes the specified image from image container.
        doc - the document the image should be deleted from
        image - the image which need to be deleted
      • getImageCount

        public static int getImageCount​(OdfSchemaDocument doc)
        Get the count of image objects in the image container.
        doc - the document the image should be counted from
        the number of image in this document if no image is found, return zero
      • getImages

        public static List<OdfDrawImage> getImages​(OdfSchemaDocument doc)
        The method return the image list in the image container.
        doc - the document the list of images should be returned from
        an image list in this document if no images is found, return an empty list.
      • getImagePathSet

        public static Set<String> getImagePathSet​(OdfSchemaDocument doc)
        The method return the set of all the image paths.
        doc - the document the image path set should be obtained from
        an image path set in this document