Class DrawPageElement

    • Field Detail


        public static final OdfName ELEMENT_NAME
    • Constructor Detail

      • DrawPageElement

        public DrawPageElement​(OdfFileDom ownerDoc)
        Create the instance of DrawPageElement
        ownerDoc - The type is OdfFileDom
    • Method Detail

      • getDrawIdAttribute

        public String getDrawIdAttribute()
        Receives the value of the ODFDOM attribute representation DrawIdAttribute , See @draw:id
        - the String , the value or null, if the attribute is not set and no default value defined.
      • setDrawIdAttribute

        public void setDrawIdAttribute​(String drawIdValue)
        Sets the value of ODFDOM attribute representation DrawIdAttribute , See @draw:id
        drawIdValue - The type is String
      • getDrawMasterPageNameAttribute

        public String getDrawMasterPageNameAttribute()
        Receives the value of the ODFDOM attribute representation DrawMasterPageNameAttribute , See @draw:master-page-name

        Attribute is mandatory.

        - the String , the value or null, if the attribute is not set and no default value defined.
      • setDrawMasterPageNameAttribute

        public void setDrawMasterPageNameAttribute​(String drawMasterPageNameValue)
        Sets the value of ODFDOM attribute representation DrawMasterPageNameAttribute , See @draw:master-page-name
        drawMasterPageNameValue - The type is String
      • getDrawNameAttribute

        public String getDrawNameAttribute()
        Receives the value of the ODFDOM attribute representation DrawNameAttribute , See @draw:name
        - the String , the value or null, if the attribute is not set and no default value defined.
      • setDrawNameAttribute

        public void setDrawNameAttribute​(String drawNameValue)
        Sets the value of ODFDOM attribute representation DrawNameAttribute , See @draw:name
        drawNameValue - The type is String
      • getDrawNavOrderAttribute

        public String getDrawNavOrderAttribute()
        Receives the value of the ODFDOM attribute representation DrawNavOrderAttribute , See @draw:nav-order
        - the String , the value or null, if the attribute is not set and no default value defined.
      • setDrawNavOrderAttribute

        public void setDrawNavOrderAttribute​(String drawNavOrderValue)
        Sets the value of ODFDOM attribute representation DrawNavOrderAttribute , See @draw:nav-order
        drawNavOrderValue - The type is String
      • getDrawStyleNameAttribute

        public String getDrawStyleNameAttribute()
        Receives the value of the ODFDOM attribute representation DrawStyleNameAttribute , See @draw:style-name
        - the String , the value or null, if the attribute is not set and no default value defined.
      • setDrawStyleNameAttribute

        public void setDrawStyleNameAttribute​(String drawStyleNameValue)
        Sets the value of ODFDOM attribute representation DrawStyleNameAttribute , See @draw:style-name
        drawStyleNameValue - The type is String
      • getPresentationPresentationPageLayoutNameAttribute

        public String getPresentationPresentationPageLayoutNameAttribute()
        Receives the value of the ODFDOM attribute representation PresentationPresentationPageLayoutNameAttribute , See @presentation:presentation-page-layout-name
        - the String , the value or null, if the attribute is not set and no default value defined.
      • setPresentationPresentationPageLayoutNameAttribute

        public void setPresentationPresentationPageLayoutNameAttribute​(String presentationPresentationPageLayoutNameValue)
        Sets the value of ODFDOM attribute representation PresentationPresentationPageLayoutNameAttribute , See @presentation:presentation-page-layout-name
        presentationPresentationPageLayoutNameValue - The type is String
      • getPresentationUseDateTimeNameAttribute

        public String getPresentationUseDateTimeNameAttribute()
        Receives the value of the ODFDOM attribute representation PresentationUseDateTimeNameAttribute , See @presentation:use-date-time-name
        - the String , the value or null, if the attribute is not set and no default value defined.
      • setPresentationUseDateTimeNameAttribute

        public void setPresentationUseDateTimeNameAttribute​(String presentationUseDateTimeNameValue)
        Sets the value of ODFDOM attribute representation PresentationUseDateTimeNameAttribute , See @presentation:use-date-time-name
        presentationUseDateTimeNameValue - The type is String
      • getPresentationUseFooterNameAttribute

        public String getPresentationUseFooterNameAttribute()
        Receives the value of the ODFDOM attribute representation PresentationUseFooterNameAttribute , See @presentation:use-footer-name
        - the String , the value or null, if the attribute is not set and no default value defined.
      • setPresentationUseFooterNameAttribute

        public void setPresentationUseFooterNameAttribute​(String presentationUseFooterNameValue)
        Sets the value of ODFDOM attribute representation PresentationUseFooterNameAttribute , See @presentation:use-footer-name
        presentationUseFooterNameValue - The type is String
      • getPresentationUseHeaderNameAttribute

        public String getPresentationUseHeaderNameAttribute()
        Receives the value of the ODFDOM attribute representation PresentationUseHeaderNameAttribute , See @presentation:use-header-name
        - the String , the value or null, if the attribute is not set and no default value defined.
      • setPresentationUseHeaderNameAttribute

        public void setPresentationUseHeaderNameAttribute​(String presentationUseHeaderNameValue)
        Sets the value of ODFDOM attribute representation PresentationUseHeaderNameAttribute , See @presentation:use-header-name
        presentationUseHeaderNameValue - The type is String
      • getXmlIdAttribute

        public String getXmlIdAttribute()
        Receives the value of the ODFDOM attribute representation XmlIdAttribute , See @xml:id
        - the String , the value or null, if the attribute is not set and no default value defined.
      • setXmlIdAttribute

        public void setXmlIdAttribute​(String xmlIdValue)
        Sets the value of ODFDOM attribute representation XmlIdAttribute , See @xml:id
        xmlIdValue - The type is String
      • newDrawAElement

        public DrawAElement newDrawAElement​(String xlinkHrefValue,
                                            String xlinkTypeValue)
        Create child element <draw:a>.
        xlinkHrefValue - the String value of XlinkHrefAttribute, see @xlink:href at specification
        xlinkTypeValue - the String value of XlinkTypeAttribute, see @xlink:type at specification Child element is new in Odf 1.2
        the element <draw:a>
      • newDrawLineElement

        public DrawLineElement newDrawLineElement​(String svgX1Value,
                                                  String svgX2Value,
                                                  String svgY1Value,
                                                  String svgY2Value)
        Create child element <draw:line>.
        svgX1Value - the String value of SvgX1Attribute, see @svg:x1 at specification
        svgX2Value - the String value of SvgX2Attribute, see @svg:x2 at specification
        svgY1Value - the String value of SvgY1Attribute, see @svg:y1 at specification
        svgY2Value - the String value of SvgY2Attribute, see @svg:y2 at specification
        the element <draw:line>
      • newDrawMeasureElement

        public DrawMeasureElement newDrawMeasureElement​(String svgX1Value,
                                                        String svgX2Value,
                                                        String svgY1Value,
                                                        String svgY2Value)
        Create child element <draw:measure>.
        svgX1Value - the String value of SvgX1Attribute, see @svg:x1 at specification
        svgX2Value - the String value of SvgX2Attribute, see @svg:x2 at specification
        svgY1Value - the String value of SvgY1Attribute, see @svg:y1 at specification
        svgY2Value - the String value of SvgY2Attribute, see @svg:y2 at specification
        the element <draw:measure>
      • newDrawPathElement

        public DrawPathElement newDrawPathElement​(String svgDValue,
                                                  int svgViewBoxValue)
        Create child element <draw:path>.
        svgDValue - the String value of SvgDAttribute, see @svg:d at specification
        svgViewBoxValue - the Integer value of SvgViewBoxAttribute, see @svg:viewBox at specification
        the element <draw:path>
      • newDrawPolygonElement

        public DrawPolygonElement newDrawPolygonElement​(String drawPointsValue,
                                                        int svgViewBoxValue)
        Create child element <draw:polygon>.
        drawPointsValue - the String value of DrawPointsAttribute, see @draw:points at specification
        svgViewBoxValue - the Integer value of SvgViewBoxAttribute, see @svg:viewBox at specification
        the element <draw:polygon>
      • newDrawPolylineElement

        public DrawPolylineElement newDrawPolylineElement​(String drawPointsValue,
                                                          int svgViewBoxValue)
        Create child element <draw:polyline>.
        drawPointsValue - the String value of DrawPointsAttribute, see @draw:points at specification
        svgViewBoxValue - the Integer value of SvgViewBoxAttribute, see @svg:viewBox at specification
        the element <draw:polyline>
      • accept

        public void accept​(ElementVisitor visitor)
        Description copied from class: OdfElement
        Accept an visitor instance to allow the visitor to do some operations. Refer to visitor design pattern to get a better understanding.
        accept in class OdfElement
        visitor - an instance of DefaultElementVisitor