Class TextContainingElement

    • Constructor Detail

      • TextContainingElement

        public TextContainingElement​(OdfFileDom ownerDoc,
                                     OdfName elementName,
                                     OdfStyleFamily styleFamily,
                                     OdfName styleAttrName)
        Create the instance of TextParagraphElementBase
        ownerDoc - The type is OdfFileDom
    • Method Detail

      • appendTextSelection

        public OdfElement appendTextSelection​(TextSelection outerSelection)
        outSelection - as the end position was prior just given for a merge the an outer selection will be added. Earlier added selection as similar positions are therefore called "inner" selections and do have a higher priority (as inner overwrites outer)
        the element that is being kept (sometimes the element of the given selection had to be dismissed, sometimes even the parent, when an empty element was deleted).