Interface OdfStylePropertySet

    • Method Detail

      • hasProperty

        boolean hasProperty​(OdfStyleProperty property)
        checks if this styleable element or style has this property directly set.
        property - is the property to check.
        true if this property is directly set at this instance or false if not.
      • getProperty

        String getProperty​(OdfStyleProperty property)
        returns the given property from this styleable element or style. If it is not directly set, the value of this property from a parent style will be returned.
        property - is the property which value will be returned.
        the value of this property or null if it is not available in this set or this parents sets.
      • removeProperty

        void removeProperty​(OdfStyleProperty property)
        removes the given property from this set
        property - is the property to be removed
      • setProperty

        void setProperty​(OdfStyleProperty property,
                         String value)
        sets a single style property for this element.
        property - is the property that you want to set.
        value - is the value the property is set to.
      • setProperties

        void setProperties​(Map<OdfStyleProperty,​String> properties)
        set more than one property at once.
        properties - is a map of properties with values that should be set.
      • getProperties

        Map<OdfStyleProperty,​String> getProperties​(Set<OdfStyleProperty> properties)
        gets more than one property at once
        properties - is a set of all properties that should be returned.
        a map with all asked properties and theire value, if available.
      • getStrictProperties

        Set<OdfStyleProperty> getStrictProperties()
        a set with all properties which are specified in the strict odf format.